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From personal experience, I learned that illness manifests in the body through two pathways: the mouth and the mind.


After working for some years for both the government and private industry and having great possibilities for growth in the private sector, I rejected an extraordinary offer from a Mexican corporation of 5 companies. I chose to found, in 1991, my business that later became the Le Cabinet de Silvie SPA & Clinic, where I have successfully treated hundreds of overweight people, having acquired 33 years of experience in nutrition. With my method, I teach how to have a balanced diet learning to eat forbidden foods. Years later, I integrated some therapies to treat the emotional aspect, which makes my business work integrally and holistically.


On the other hand, after going through several low moments during my life, I reached a point in 1999 where I presented several symptoms and illnesses together. That was my “aha” moment, and I realized I had to change my lifestyle. I began my path of consciousness transformation through a change in thinking, healing symptoms and illnesses, and dedicating part of my time to spiritual growth.

I learned to forgive myself and my past, to make the right choices, and to generate coherence between brain and heart. All of the above was part of what led me to reconnect with the world, so I discovered that only by living in harmony with the Universe can we create a life of magic by manifesting every thought and dream we have. That experience of 18 years of personal work is what I integrate into my courses and coaching sessions today.


Let me take you by the hand! Learn to reconnect with who you are and, consequently, with the outside world. Seek the truth and beauty within you. You still have a life of abundance ahead of you!

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